You can fetch and manipulate data from the database using the fetch methods of the cursor object or the pandas library. The fetch methods return the results of the SQL query as a list of tuples, where each tuple represents a row of data. You can use the fetchone() method to fetch one row, the fetchmany() method to fetch a specified number of rows, or the fetchall() method to fetch all rows. For example, to fetch all rows from the customers table, you can use:
cur.execute('SELECT * FROM customers')
rows = cur.fetchall()
Alternatively, you can use the pandas.read_sql() function to read data from a SQL query or table into a pandas DataFrame, which is a tabular data structure with rows and columns. You can pass the SQL query or table name as the first argument, and the connection object as the second argument. For example, to read data from the customers table into a DataFrame, you can use: df = pd.read_sql('customers', conn) You can then use the pandas methods and attributes to manipulate and analyze the data in the DataFrame, such as df.head(), df.shape, df.describe(), df.groupby(), df.merge(), etc.