Key team members are resisting your change strategy. How will you navigate the uncertainty?
Curious about overcoming resistance within your team? Share your strategies for leading through change and uncertainty.
Key team members are resisting your change strategy. How will you navigate the uncertainty?
Curious about overcoming resistance within your team? Share your strategies for leading through change and uncertainty.
Uncertainty is unavoidable in our lives, but as a leader, you can help your team deal with it constructively. Here are some crucial ways that leaders can use in such situations. Speak honestly and frequently with the teams during times of uncertainty and keep everyone informed by providing updates, sharing pertinent information, and addressing issues. We must set a clear vision and direction for their team or company. Setting goals and establishing a way forward can provide a feeling of purpose and stability in the face of uncertainty. Leaders must be versatile and flexible in their approaches, open to new ideas, and encourage their team members to welcome change.
Na minha experiência, enfrentar a resistência de membros chave da equipe em rela??o à mudan?a requer paciência e uma abordagem colaborativa. Uma coisa que acho útil é envolver esses membros diretamente nas discuss?es estratégicas, permitindo que suas preocupa??es sejam ouvidas e, sempre que possível, incorporando suas sugest?es no processo. Isso gera um senso de propriedade e reduz a resistência. Além disso, manter uma comunica??o aberta e transparente durante toda a transi??o é fundamental. Explicar o racional por trás das mudan?as, refor?ando os benefícios tanto para a equipe quanto para a organiza??o, ajuda a diminuir a incerteza e a construir confian?a no processo.
Start by making a map of the people you see as essential to advancing the change. Plot them along a spectrum from "positive support" to "passive support" "neutral" "passive resistor" and "active resistor". Develop an intentional plan to understand where each person is coming from, what's motivating them. Look for common ground, i.e., in a shared vision and values. The most important action you can take is to meet them where they are, and listen, listen, listen to understand. This can help ensure there's trust which is essential to changing resistors' position on the spectrum.
Change triggers all anxiety relating to uncertainty. We all tend to view anxiety, questions related to the same even curiosity as resistance. Firstly with clarity on the reasons of why changing , why now we can dissipate a lot of these resistance as such. Then we should invite people to share their concerns verbally and written as per their preference so that we are sure we are addressing the right questions. Now based on the inputs, we shall communicate preferably a leader they trust should address smaller groups at a time to have very clear, transparent conversations to create desire to make them engaged in the change
I would simply ask them why they resist my change strategy. It might very well be that they have a valid reason and I need to change my strategy. It might also be that they misunderstood certain parts and I get an opportunity to explain and discuss. And last of all - but this hardly happens - it might be that someone just doesn't want to change. Asking clarifying questions also makes this clear enough to take the appropriate actions.
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