Before you launch any campaign or product, you need to have a clear idea of what you want to achieve and how you will measure your success. For example, do you want to increase brand awareness, generate leads, drive sales, or improve customer satisfaction? Depending on your goals, you will need to track different metrics, such as impressions, clicks, conversions, mentions, sentiment, or ratings. You can use social listening tools to set up alerts, dashboards, and reports for these metrics and compare them with your benchmarks or targets.
Lo primero es saber hacia dónde voy. Defino metas claras: ?Quiero mejorar la percepción de marca, aumentar las conversiones o identificar nuevas oportunidades? Luego, establezco KPIs específicos. Estas métricas son el termómetro que me ayuda a medir el impacto de mis campa?as y entender si las acciones están alineadas con los objetivos planteados.
Metas claras nos permitem saber onde queremos chegar, ao ponto que o social listening nos permite analisar se o caminho que estamos seguindo está certo.
The more precise the question we are going to try to answer, the better the response is going to be. It's the key to obtaining the gem we're looking for - "the actionable Insight." Social listening platforms have multiple metrics, representations, and indicators. But this isn't as relevant. A comprehensive and well-thought-out brief, no matter how long it takes to create, is the key.
Social listening can be really influential to test and optimise the product as well as marketing campaigns. First of all, select the right social listening tool that aligns with your product or campaign. Secondly, to track the keywords monitor the conversation related to your brand, product, and competitors. Also, track the hashtags and mentions, to finalise keywords. Thirdly, analyse the feedback and reviews of your brand. What people are talking about you online and what their pain point is. For campaigns, use variations of your campaign copy and visuals. Create engaging content and make sure the tone is relatable to your audiences. Lastly, constantly track and monitor the metrics to identify the gap.
When you run a campaign conduct an audit of the campaign post-mortem at the very least to gain understanding of wins and shortcomings, more importantly treat it like a report card and compare outcomes of future similar campaigns with the previous report. Ideally however, instead of waiting for the campaign to end, while you are LIVE conduct frequent Social Voice and engagement trend checks, thereon tweak strategy as the campaign is LIVE, while this requires plenty of reactionary effort it is more likely to yield a consistent engagement patterns from your audiences. Rather than the typical few high peaks on campaign launch, thereon a gradual plateau and loss of interest towards the end.
Once you have your goals and metrics in place, you need to listen to what your audience and competitors are saying online. You can use social listening tools to monitor keywords, hashtags, mentions, and reviews related to your campaign or product, as well as your competitors' campaigns or products. This will help you understand how your audience perceives your offer, what they like or dislike, what questions or concerns they have, and what gaps or advantages you have over your competitors. You can also use social listening to identify influencers, advocates, or detractors who can amplify or damage your reputation.
Mi consejo es revisar las conversaciones que mi audiencia está teniendo, tanto positivas como negativas. Monitoreo menciones, comentarios y hashtags para identificar patrones y necesidades. No solo se trata de escuchar a los clientes, también reviso a los competidores. ?Qué hacen bien? ?En qué están fallando? Esto me da una ventaja competitiva para ajustar mi enfoque y destacar donde otros no lo hacen.
Yep this is a big one. I will caveat though that just because your competitors are doing something doesn’t mean it’ll work for you. But it’s definitely a good diagnostic tool, Polar seltzer might be a larger volume brand than Buble simply because it’s been around longer or puts more investment into social (and ie shows up more in-feed or in paid ads). You may realize from this data though that consumers like to mix with alcohol and liken favorite drinks to the spiked seltzer category like White Claw and Truly. In that case competitor listening can give you insight into adjacencies or potential white spaces your category might be moving toward. It also gives you category SOV and sentiment, you’ll know who’s dominating the category.
O poder das mídias digitais está nas conversas, e ao analisá-las temos o poder de otimizar a comunica??o, além de ter tempo de manobra, sempre visando o impacto que estamos causando.
In many cases, for example in the case of Brands that are just starting out or still garnering mentions, the only way to help them steer their Brand or Communication strategy, for instance, is by listening based on who they consider their competitors (who are also their benchmarks). The significant insights in these cases are the ones that indicate the symbolic spaces that no one occupies. The opportunity lies in occupying them.
Once goals are set, I leverage social listening to understand what resonates with my target audience and what competitors are doing. Fast Food Chain: Track social media conversations around new menu items and compare them to competitor offerings to identify areas for differentiation. (Brandwatch allows you to track industry trends and competitor mentions). Software Company: Analyse online discussions about specific features to understand customer pain points and inform product development. (Many social listening tools allow you to track mentions of specific keywords).
Based on the insights you gather from social listening, you can test and optimize your campaign or product accordingly. For example, you can use social listening to conduct A/B testing, where you compare the performance of different versions of your ads, landing pages, headlines, or images. You can also use social listening to collect feedback, suggestions, or ideas from your audience and incorporate them into your campaign or product development. You can also use social listening to respond to questions, complaints, or compliments from your audience and improve your customer service and loyalty.
Una vez que tengo los insights, implemento pruebas controladas. Cambio peque?os aspectos de la campa?a: copy, imágenes, timing o canales, y observo cómo reacciona mi audiencia. A partir de ese feedback, optimizo en tiempo real, realizando ajustes para maximizar el impacto. Es un ciclo continuo donde cada ajuste se basa en datos reales, lo que incrementa las probabilidades de éxito.
Brands can use the results obtained from social listening to refine their strategies and maximize their impact. Tesla, for example, regularly uses social listening to assess the reception and functionality of its new Model 3, Y, S and Model X models. By monitoring social media discussions, Tesla can gauge customer enthusiasm or concern for specific features of its electric vehicles.
Another important way that social listening can help with campaign optimization is to see the volume of response on each social media platform. We had a an example recently where we were initially focusing on Facebook but more conversation around the campaign was happening on Instagram! This allowed us to change tactics mid-campaign, resulting in better engagement.
Social Listening helps you to understand the pulse of your target audience. It helps you to learn and unlearn few things. No matter how good your content or campaign plan is but if you don’t listen to what your audience is saying it will fly. Social listening helps you to take corrective actions and be on the right track.
Based on my social listening insights, I can develop targeted campaigns or features and test them on a smaller scale. Athletic Apparel Brand: Analyse social media buzz around a new colour scheme before launching it globally. (Brandwatch can track sentiment analysis for specific keywords). Streaming Service: Use social listening to gauge audience interest in a new original series before committing to production costs. (Look for a platform that allows you to track brand mentions by location to target specific markets).
Finally, you need to evaluate and learn from your results. You can use social listening tools to measure the impact of your campaign or product on your goals and metrics, as well as on your brand reputation and sentiment. You can also use social listening to analyze the strengths and weaknesses of your campaign or product, as well as the opportunities and threats in your market. You can use these findings to improve your future campaigns or products, as well as to share your learnings and best practices with your team or stakeholders.
Social listening is a powerful way to test and optimize your campaigns or products. By listening to your audience and competitors, you can gain valuable insights, feedback, and ideas that can help you create more effective and engaging offers that meet your goals and satisfy your customers.
Después de implementar y ajustar, se debe revisar los resultados. Comparo métricas pre y postajustes, analizando qué cambios mostraron mejoras. Es crucial aprender de estos datos: tanto de los éxitos como de los fallos. Cada campa?a o lanzamiento se convierte en una lección, y lo aprendido se aplica en futuras estrategias, siempre buscando mejorar el rendimiento y el impacto
Retrospective analysis is how most teams start out, and it works well here for campaigns. Let’s say we launched a new spring campaign for New Balance trainers, including TV, print, and digital (social), we know this will get a lot of exposure and want to see how consumers react. Social listening will give us raw and unsolicited feedback. Now depending on the brand you might see 10 posts as a win in the first week and other brands might see 1,000 as a failure, again important to have benchmarks. Here you’ll get both quantitative and qualitative results in volume metrics, SOV, engagement, and themes (pros, cons, cultural ties, delivery issues, etc.). Having context into the category and historical data is important to gauge success.
It's imperative to evaluate your results so that you can learn what has worked well and what has fallen on stony ground. Its not just about the number of mentions, but seeing what engagement you've achieved ( shares, comments), sentiment analysis, what hashtags have other people used when re-posting your content, what platforms are conversations on and of course, share of voice, checking that against the pre-campaign benchmark you set. One other nugget I find that social listening can help with is to identify potential new influencers to work with. If there is someone who is particularly enthusiastic about your product or brand, this could be the start of a valuable future collaboration . . .
After running the test campaign or releasing the new feature, use social listening to analyse its performance. Beauty Brand: Track the reach and engagement of social media posts promoting a new product line. (Most social listening tools offer engagement metrics). Financial Services Company: Monitor social media sentiment towards a new investment product to identify any areas for improvement. (Look for a platform that tracks sentiment shifts over time).
Evaluating your results effectively will always provide you with a learning opportunity. In addition to measuring the impact of your campaign or product on specific KPIs and metrics, advanced social listening tools can provide you with audience segmentation, sentiment analysis, advanced demographics and even word clouds. These can also prove to be incredibly useful for SWOT analysis and provide teams with actionable insights.
Visual Content: Include compelling visuals in your campaigns, to help you understand which visuals resonate most with your audience. Additionally, allow you to present them effectively to your stakeholders of management. Influencer Marketing: Identify high-performing influencers in your niche through social listening and collaborate with them to reach a wider audience. Real-time Monitoring: Use social listening platforms for real-time monitoring to adapt your campaign or product on the fly based on audience feedback.
El verdadero poder del Social Listening está en la constancia. No se trata de un análisis puntual, sino de una actividad permanente. El entorno digital cambia rápido, por lo que debo estar siempre ajustando y alineándome con las expectativas del mercado. Además, la empatía es clave: escuchar es solo el primer paso; entender y actuar en consecuencia es lo que realmente marca la diferencia. Este enfoque constante y ágil ayuda a mantener campa?as y productos siempre relevantes.
"Social listening" pretty much sums it up—if you're not tuning into your audience, you're missing out on key insights. Before launching a campaign, pull lessons from past efforts, noting how your audience felt. Use these insights to shape your next move. During the campaign, crank up your social listening to catch every conversation, spot potential issues early, and engage directly. Afterward, dive into the feedback to see how each campaign step resonated and identify improvement areas. In essence, listening and analyzing audience chatter gives you the answers you need to succeed.
Un ejemplo concreto es una empresa de cosméticos que lanzó una línea ecológica y utilizó escucha social para evaluar la respuesta del mercado. Tras el lanzamiento, notaron que aunque las menciones aumentaron, el sentimiento era mixto debido al alto precio. Analizaron este feedback y ajustaron su estrategia de precios, mejorando la percepción del valor. También compartieron estos aprendizajes con el equipo, ajustando la comunicación para destacar más los beneficios ecológicos y ofreciendo promociones para atraer más clientes. Este enfoque mejoró la recepción del producto y la lealtad de los clientes.
I think that can be tricky, how do you know what trends are likely to have a lasting impact? New products take at least 18 months to hit the shelves, so you don't want to be innovating on a frivolous fad. The advancement of social intelligence now means we can make educated forecasts on consumer behaviour, which makes social intelligence teams the perfect bedfellows for product development
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