Another option to update your LINQ queries and data visualization outputs when data changes is to use reactive extensions. Reactive extensions are a set of libraries that enable you to write queries that react to events, such as data changes, user inputs, or timer ticks. Reactive extensions use the IObservable and IObserver interfaces to represent and subscribe to event streams. You can use LINQ methods to query, filter, transform, and aggregate event streams, and use data binding or other techniques to update your UI elements. For example, if you have an observable collection of products that emits events when items are added, removed, or updated, and a chart that displays the average sales by category, you can use reactive extensions as follows:
var productObservable = products.ToObservable();
var averageSalesByCategory = productObservable
.GroupBy(p => p.Category)
.SelectMany(g => g.Average(p => p.Sales).Select(a => new { Category = g.Key, Average = a }));
averageSalesByCategoryChart.DataContext = averageSalesByCategory;
averageSalesByCategoryChart.Series[0].ItemsSource = new Binding();