The fourth step is to highlight your skills and competencies in data visualization. You want to show your audience that you have the technical, analytical, and design skills to create effective and appealing data viz work. You can use
tags to showcase some of the code or scripts you used, or link to your GitHub or other repositories where you store your code. You can also mention some of the data viz principles, frameworks, or best practices that you follow or apply in your work.
###### Customize your presentation
The fifth step is to customize your presentation according to your audience and goal. You want to tailor your data viz work to suit the needs and expectations of the people you want to impress or persuade. For example, if you are applying for a specific job or project, you can highlight the data viz work that is most relevant or similar to the role or domain. You can also research the company or client and use their language, style, or branding in your presentation.
###### Seek feedback
The final step is to seek feedback on your data viz work and presentation. You want to improve your data viz work and presentation by getting constructive and honest feedback from others. You can ask your peers, mentors, or experts in the field to review your portfolio and projects and give you some suggestions or tips. You can also use online platforms or communities where you can share your data viz work and get feedback from other data viz enthusiasts or professionals.
######Here’s what else to consider
This is a space to share examples, stories, or insights that don’t fit into any of the previous sections. What else would you like to add?