The fourth step is to handle technical questions that may arise during or after your presentation or demonstration. Be prepared to answer common or expected questions, as well as unexpected or challenging ones. Do your research on the customer's industry, environment, and competitors, and anticipate their technical inquiries. If you don't know the answer to a question, don't guess or make up an answer, but rather admit that you don't know and promise to follow up with the correct information as soon as possible. Use
tags to highlight any code snippets or commands that you may need to explain or demonstrate.
###### Involve your technical team
The fifth step is to involve your technical team in the sales process, especially if you encounter complex or specialized technical issues or requests that are beyond your scope or expertise. Leverage the knowledge and skills of your engineers, developers, architects, or consultants, and collaborate with them to provide the best possible solution and support to the customer. Communicate clearly and regularly with your technical team, and coordinate your roles and responsibilities. Introduce your technical team to the customer, and facilitate the interaction and relationship between them.
###### Follow up and close the deal
The sixth and final step is to follow up with the customer and close the deal. Don't leave the customer hanging or waiting for too long, but rather reach out to them promptly and proactively. Provide any additional information, documentation, or resources that they may have requested or that you may have promised. Address any remaining questions, doubts, or objections that they may have. Confirm their interest and commitment, and ask for their feedback and opinion. Guide them through the next steps of the sales cycle, and help them overcome any internal or external barriers or hurdles. Thank them for their time and trust, and celebrate your win.
######Here’s what else to consider
This is a space to share examples, stories, or insights that don’t fit into any of the previous sections. What else would you like to add?