One of the easiest ways to optimize your automation code is to follow a standard and consistent coding style. This means using clear and meaningful names for variables, functions, and modules, following the same indentation and spacing rules, and adding comments and documentation where needed. A standard and consistent coding style will help you and others to read, debug, and update your code, as well as avoid errors and confusion.
I personally recommend adding note/comments especially if we have written a big code. For automation engineers, this proves very useful particularly during commissioning where we are often tasked with immediate troubleshooting. In such cases, comments if present in the code helps the engineer understand the automation design and then he can troubleshoot quickly by modifying the code as required. In the absence of any comments or notes, it becomes very challenging and time consuming for engineers to perform quick troubleshooting.
To truly elevate automation code, consider incorporating self-documenting code principles. Instead of relying solely on comments, aim for code that's expressive and readable on its own. Meaningful function and variable names can replace verbose comments, making the code more intuitive. Prioritize modularity and encapsulation, breaking code into smaller, reusable components. Implement version control to track changes and ensure code reliability. This approach streamlines collaboration, enhances maintainability, and ultimately elevates code performance, all while reducing the reliance on external documentation.
First, ensure you have a clear control system narrative document. This is for two reasons. The operators need to know what your automation will do in both nominal and abnormal conditions. You also need this document as a sort of contract between the automation engineer and you, the programmer. This ensures your task has a finite deliverable. Second, build diagnostics in to your code and document them. There will be things that nobody considered, such as a hunting actuator, or an odd reaction to loss of echo on a radar probe. Third, validate your inputs from the HMI or other PLCs peering with your device. Do not presume that it will be done for you. I could say a lot more, but those are the big things.
Algunos puntos a incluir en el estándar para programación son: - Definir la nomenclatura clara de todos los objetos o "paquetes, bloques, funciones, etc." de manera estructurada, enfocada en el proceso. - Definir una estructura modular, tomando en cuenta la estructura del proceso. - Generar tÃpicos o funciones que puedan ser reutilizadas y que representen equipos fÃsicos como bombas, motores, equipos, instrumentos, etc. - Definir el criterio de "comentarios" en cada lÃnea de código, estrategia, función, etc. Cada adición, cada cambio, debe estar comentado e identificar quién lo hizo. - Definir claramente el lenguaje de programación a usar según los tipos de "procesos" o necesidades: Ladder, SFC, bloques, texto estructurado, etc.
Brownfield: 1). Comment and Document. 2). Follow local customs. Everyone can appreciates consistsncy. Just because you have a better way doesn't mean it’s beneficial to the controls tech that spends the next 10 years dealing with it. 3). If there are no local customs give the a Sisine chapel in hopes of inspiring imitation. 4). Squach hate latch To Latch or Not to Latch that is the question: I occasionally find a use, but if it's the only way you can figure out how to solve the problem, it's probably not the right solution. Greenfield: 1). Remember you are not writing this for your self. Simple, elegant, and efficient consistsncy. 2). Thoughtful naming conventions, UDTs, and AOI’s make Squach smile.
Another important factor to optimize your automation code is to choose the right programming language and platform for your project. Different languages and platforms have different strengths and weaknesses, and you should consider factors such as speed, memory, compatibility, scalability, and support. For example, some of the most common languages and platforms for industrial automation are ladder logic, structured text, function block diagram, sequential function chart, and instruction list. You should compare their features and limitations and select the one that suits your needs and preferences.
Si hablamos de lenguajes de programación de PLCs el estándar IEC61131 deberÃa ser reconocido como estándar global. No se puede elegir arbitrariamente el lenguaje para programar. Cada tipo de lenguaje está orientado a un tipo de código de control concreto. Por ejemplo el texto estructurado siempre será mejor para programar funciones matemáticas complejas y usar bloques funcionales para lógica booleana. Con estos dos lenguajes mezclados correctamente se pueden construir el 98% de los programas habituales de los PLCs. No puede programarse un PLC con un solo lenguaje de programación, dado que la depuración del programa puede ser muy dificultosa. He visto programas desarrollados Ãntegramente en texto estructurado que tiene ese problema.
When selecting your code think who is doing the long term support of the system. In the USA, ladder logic is king in maintenance departments. If you are going to expect the maintenance team to understand and support the system don’t use structured text. That is not to say not to use it in a sub program that they don’t need to modify.
I agree with Brandon: code shouldn't simply be written for machine-function, it's also written to ease the understanding, modification, or troubleshooting of machine-function for others (technicians, engineers) who may need to work on the machine/ process/or line in the future-- this being one of the original advantages that PLCs offered over relay logic-- as true as back in the day as it is today. In a ladder-logic program, good documentation and the accurate, specific, and consistent identification of components and IOs is priceless.
1. Choose the Right #Language and #Platform:Select the best programming language and platform for your project. 2. Consider Strengths and Weaknesses:Evaluate factors such as speed, memory, compatibility, scalability, and support. 3. #Language #Options: Common languages for industrial automation include ladder logic, structured text, function block diagram, sequential function chart, and instruction list. 4. Compare #Features: Compare the features and limitations of each language and platform. 5. Suit Your Needs: Select the language and platform that best suits your project requirements and preferences. 6. Optimize #Performance:** Choosing the right tools can enhance the efficiency and performance of your automation. 7. #Future-Proofing:
Creo que es vital el poder sustentar todo tipo de código en el tiempo , eso implica su mantenibilidad y control de condigo con versionamiento ( ideal git). El escenario catastrófico ( que he visto ) es código S7 en un solo laptop en una compa?Ãa de producción de bebidas y que nadie sabÃa si era la última versión .
A key principle to optimize your automation code is to implement modular and reusable code. This means breaking down your code into smaller and independent units that perform specific tasks, and using them as building blocks for larger and more complex functions. Modular and reusable code will help you to reduce redundancy, improve readability, and simplify testing and maintenance. You can also use libraries and frameworks that provide ready-made and tested modules for common functions and scenarios.
A key principle for optimizing your automation code is to implement modular and reusable code. Break your code into smaller, independent units that perform specific tasks, using them as building blocks for more complex functions. This reduces redundancy, improves readability, and simplifies testing and maintenance. Additionally, leverage libraries and frameworks that offer ready-made, tested modules for common functions and scenarios.
this is part of the maintainability. it will affect knowledge transfer and knowledge channel redundancy as well. modularization (breaking the code into small manageable pieces, responsibilities and results analysis..) it can be done be following the DRY and SOLID principles (a bit philosophical but it will work), documentation is important here as well as stated in the following point and of course version control and configuration management (presets, environment registration...)
Siempre es acosejable tomarse tiempo para decidir cual es la mejor estrategia para divir el código en peque?as partes y si pueden ser reutilizables mejor. Cuando te acostumbras a trabajar con funciones o bloques de funciones propias, ganas en velocidad a la hora de gestionar dispositivos periféricos como variadores, drivers, etc. Y al mismo tiempo clarificas el código para el resto del equipo. Si lo tienes suficientemente desarrollado puedes ir introduciendo código para facilitar alarmas y de autodiagnosis para un funcionamiento óptimo.
Modularizar el código es lo mejor que se puede hacer para una estructuración correcta. Además sirve para diagnosticar más rápido, puesto que al tener distintos bloques personalizados nos enfocamos solo en los bloques que importan para resolver el problema en un momento dado.
In a highly collaborative environment, writing modular code is essential. The DRY principle should be agnostic to the number of developers writing code. A team should function as a cohesive entity. Additionally, it is very important when adding new members to the team, the onboarding process becomes almost automatic.
A crucial step to optimize your automation code is to test and debug your code regularly. This means checking your code for errors, bugs, and anomalies before, during, and after deployment. Testing and debugging your code will help you to ensure its functionality, performance, and reliability, as well as identify and fix any issues or defects. You can use various tools and methods to test and debug your code, such as simulators, emulators, debuggers, breakpoints, and logs.
Es VITAL realizar pruebas del código. Las dos últimas partes de un proyecto son las pruebas en fábrica y en casa del cliente (Fat/Sat). Estas pruebas validan eléctricamente los armarios del sistema de control. Además se hace una validación del código. Normalmente se simulan las se?ales del lazo que se está probando eléctricamente, con múltiples generadores 4-20mA y polÃmetro para verificar si el código del PLC hace lo esperado. He visto montar auténticos simuladores con 32 entradas y salidas (interruptores y bombillas de 24v) para chequear lógicas complejas. Estas pruebas garantizan que tanto el hardware y el software cumplen con lo esperado. Estas pruebas DEBEN repetirse con cada modificación parcial o total del sistema. ??
yes, testing is important. it is how sense and perceive the performance that it is suggested to be optimized the point bellow. in fact, documentation, logging and testing open the hotizons and serve for better and reliable troubleshooting. it will also assist in discovering hidden bugs, that for the time being are not impacting the process
Test your logic early, often, and as you go. When you write a function, test it. When you combine functions, test it. When you think you are done, test it again. When you can no longer break it, have someone else test it. Startups will always throw you a curve ball, don't throw them to yourself...
Implement rigorous testing procedures for robot programs before deployment. This includes simulation testing and real-world testing to identify potential issues. Validate the program against various scenarios to ensure it can handle different conditions and unexpected events.
In order to optimize your automation code, we need to test is rigorously. In normal practice, people just limit the scope of testing to the approved design. However, one should aim to test it to break the code. This means stretching testing scope beyond just approved design and cover unusual scenarios which may not be occurring frequently , but still need some attention. If the code works fine for these unusual scenario, then great - Else, we then need to modify the code accordingly.
A final tip to optimize your automation code is to optimize your code for speed and memory. This means making your code run faster and use less resources, such as CPU, RAM, and disk space. Optimizing your code for speed and memory will help you to improve the efficiency and responsiveness of your automation system, as well as avoid delays, crashes, and failures. You can use various techniques to optimize your code for speed and memory, such as avoiding unnecessary loops, calculations, and variables, using data structures and algorithms that suit your data and logic, and deleting or archiving unused or obsolete code.
performance optimization is one of the aspect to have better results, it can solve many issues. few ideas is code profiling (including tools) to discover and resolve bottlenecks, parallelization (though it works until certain scenario), cashing and minimization of resource consumption/maybe prioritization also.. basically concepts from IT can be adopted here as well after tailoring
Define key performance indicators (KPIs) related to the robot's performance, such as cycle time, accuracy, repeatability, and error rates. Regularly monitor and analyze these metrics to identify areas for improvement.
1. Optimize for #Speed and #Memory: Make your code run faster and use fewer resources (#CPU, #RAM, disk #space). 2. #Efficiency and #Responsiveness: Improved speed and memory usage enhance the efficiency and responsiveness of your automation system. 3. Avoid Delays and Failures: Optimization helps prevent delays, crashes, and system failures. 4. #Techniques: - Avoid Unnecessary #Loops: Minimize redundant loops to save processing time. - Reduce #Calculations: - Limit #Variables: 5. Suitable Data #Structures and #Algorithms: Choose data structures and algorithms that best fit your data and logic requirements. 6. Continuous #Improvement: Regularly #review and refine your code to maintain optimal #performance.
But beware not to over-optimize as this leads to unreadable code and problems in debugging. Good luck to search for memory addresses used in indirect addressing. In any case, document well and use other methods that help in understanding and debugging (for example create variables for memory addresses used in indirect addressing).
Performance optimization can be improved by Implementing interrupts for time-critical tasks to reduce scan time but use cautiously to maintain predictability of the code and Also Selection of appropriate data types to minimize memory usage and avoid unnecessary conversions.
Los MAYORES problemas que suelen tener el código de un PLC son: 1) Bloques de función creados por el usuario anidados uno dentro del otro. Prohibido, crear bloques de función usando solo las librerÃa del software y no tus propios bloques. 2) El código debe ser creado para que el más tonto del equipo lo entienda. Suena duro, pero debe ser asÃ. Nada de programar en modo dios, con múltiples arrays/indexados que nadie es capaz de depurar bajo presión. 3) Prohibido usar bucles repetitivos tipo Do While loop o for next. El programa ser lineal en su ejecución. Es un PLC no un programa .Net 4) Incluir comentarios en las lÃneas de programa y en las variables especialmente en las de entradas salidas y en variables intermedias. 5) Si no es asÃ, rezad.
Consejos varios... 1. Usar la filosofÃa "menos es más", o sea no usar 10 lÃneas para un código cuando se pueden hacer en 2. 2. No usar texto estructurado (ST) para simples lógicas booleanas, por más "elegante" que pueda parecer no es práctico y a veces quita tiempo en entender para otras personas. 3. Declaras coherentemente los tags, no usar por ejemplo "sensor1", qué hace el sensor?, a qué máquina o proceso pertenece?, a qué instalación corresponde? A veces sirve mucho el uso de tags ya usados en los P&ID. 4. Si es posible realizar una lógica de modo "manual" aunque el proceso no lo requiera ni haya sido solicitado, pues ayuda en el comisionamiento o mantenimiento, asà no necesito tener o forzar interlocks para activar actuadores.
? Keep your code clean and efficient for better performance. ? Avoid using an entire code template from someone else. If necessary, only copy the specific lines you need for your project. This helps minimize unnecessary code. ? Keep good notes on how your code works. ? Write explanations and comments so others can understand it.
Ladder Logic is just a UI for the Logic running in the PLC. Like any good UI, you must understand the user. In most cases, in automation, that is the maintenance team or a service tech trying to troubleshoot. Often in a panic and under stress. It is also another engineer working on the site, or even yourself years down the line. By focusing on intuitive design in your code, it's users can effectively reduce downtime while also simplifying future modifications and upgrades.
Optimizar el código implica muchas cosas: 1. No usar 10 lÃneas cuando se puede hacer con 1 sola. Es difÃcil pero hay ocasiones en las que se redundan segmentos que al final solo ocupan espacios en memoria y confunden. 2. Insertar comentarios pero solo lo necesario. Mucho texto explicativo a veces es fastidioso, se debe comentar solo lo necesario. 3. Usar lenguajes de alto nivel solo cuando sea necesario. Las rutinas en STL deben realizarse generalmente para no ser modificadas, o si se hace que sea mÃnimo. El corazón de la lógica siempre debe ser en LD. 4. Segmentar el código según las partes o secuencias del proceso. Es más fácil analizar el programa cuando ante una falla se puede identificar en que zona del mismo se debe analizar primero.
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