Ordinal data are data that can be ordered or ranked, such as ratings, grades, levels, or preferences. Such data can have different scales and intervals, which can affect the meaning and comparison of your data. To normalize ordinal data, you can use methods such as ordinal encoding, binning, and scaling. For instance, ordinal encoding assigns a numerical value to each ordinal level based on its order or rank; binning groups the ordinal data into a smaller number of bins or categories; and scaling rescales the ordinal data to a specific range. For example, if your data has five ratings: poor, fair, good, very good, and excellent, you can apply ordinal encoding as follows: normalized_data = {"poor": 1, "fair": 2, "good": 3, "very good": 4, "excellent": 5} , binning as follows: normalized_data = {"poor": "low", "fair": "low", "good": "medium", "very good": "high", "excellent": "high"} , and scaling as follows: normalized_data = (data - 1) / (5 - 1) . Reporting and documenting the incident will help you inform and reassure the stakeholders, as well as provide valuable insights for improving your cloud security posture.