Creating a VSM for your equipment maintenance process requires defining the scope and boundaries of the process, collecting data on the process, drawing the current state map, analyzing the current state map, drawing the future state map, and developing an action plan. To define the scope and boundaries, you need to identify the start and end point of the process, inputs and outputs, customers and suppliers. Collecting data involves determining how long each step takes, how many people and resources are involved, how often the process occurs, how much inventory and work in progress there is, and how many defects and rework there are. Drawing the current state map involves using standard symbols and icons to represent steps, materials, information, and people in the process. It should also include data on cycle time, lead time, inventory, quality, value added activities and waste. Analyzing this map involves calculating process efficiency and identifying root causes of waste. Drawing the future state map requires envisioning how the process would look with improvements implemented, eliminating or reducing waste activities, streamlining flow and communication, and aligning it with customer demand. Finally, developing an action plan involves defining specific actions for implementation with timelines and metrics for monitoring progress.