Mobile animation can be categorized into four main types, according to their function and effect. Functional animation supports user navigation, interaction, or understanding of the interface. Examples include buttons that change color or shape when tapped, loading indicators that show progress, or swipe gestures that reveal menus. Transitional animation creates a smooth transition between screens or states; for instance, cards that flip over to reveal more details, slide-in effects that introduce a new screen, or fade-out effects that close a modal. Supplemental animation adds extra information or value to the content; an example is a chart that animates to show data changes, a map that zooms in to show location details, or a video that plays automatically when scrolled into view. Lastly, delightful animation adds emotion, humor, or surprise to the interface; for example, mascots that react to user actions, confetti effects that celebrate milestones, or subtle motions that add life to illustrations.