Spring Boot is a popular framework for Java web development, offering a fast and easy way to create web apps with minimal configuration. It also integrates well with Thymeleaf, a template engine for dynamic HTML pages. To implement pagination with Spring Boot and Thymeleaf, you need to create a domain class, a repository interface, a service class, a controller class, and a Thymeleaf template. The domain class should represent your data entity (e.g., book or user). The repository interface should extend JpaRepository, which provides built-in methods for pagination and sorting. The service class should inject the repository and expose a method that returns a Page object containing the data and pagination information for a given page number and size. The controller class should inject the service and handle HTTP requests for the data using @RequestParam or @PathVariable annotations. Lastly, the Thymeleaf template should display the data in a table or list using th:each and th:text attributes to iterate over the Page content. Additionally, th:if and th:unless attributes can be used to conditionally render navigation buttons, while th:href or th:action attributes can generate URLs for the next and previous pages.