How do you handle a situation where a colleague takes credit for your networking idea during a team meeting?
Navigating the choppy waters of workplace dynamics can be tricky, especially when it comes to personal branding and the ownership of ideas. You're in a team meeting, and suddenly a colleague presents your networking idea as their own. It's frustrating, but how you handle this situation is crucial for your personal brand. Keeping calm and asserting yourself professionally can turn a challenging moment into a powerful opportunity to demonstrate your leadership and communication skills.
Sanghee Jeon ???CEO of 4MBiz at Global Clean Energy Sector BD & Consulting, Marketing, Trading at Free Agent 《AFE Global Partners |…1 个答复
Samantha S.| Certified Integrative Nutrition Health Coach | Image Consultant
Anthony GaenzleHelping Brands Find the Spark Between Creativity and Strategy | Author | Marketing and Content Strategy | Executive…1 个答复