Missing data is a challenging task in data analysis, requiring an understanding of the causes, types, and consequences of it. To handle it, there are many tools and software packages that can help you. R is a free and open-source programming language for statistical computing and graphics, with packages such as mice, Amelia, missForest, VIM, and MCMCglmm. Python is a high-level, general-purpose, and interpreted programming language that supports multiple paradigms and libraries for data analysis. It has modules such as pandas, numpy, sklearn, fancyimpute, and pymc3. SPSS is a proprietary software package for statistical analysis and data management that has features such as the Missing Values Analysis, Multiple Imputation, and EM Algorithm. SAS is a proprietary software suite for advanced analytics and data management with procedures such as the PROC MI, PROC MIANALYZE, and MCMC statement. By using these methods and tools to handle missing data, you can improve the quality and validity of your data and analysis to make better decisions.