How do you create optimal conditions for change in coaching?
Coaching is a powerful process that can help people achieve their goals, overcome challenges, and grow as individuals and leaders. But coaching is not a magic bullet that can instantly transform anyone into a better version of themselves. Coaching requires a certain mindset and belief system, both from the coach and the coachee, that creates optimal conditions for change. In this article, you will learn what these conditions are and how you can foster them in your coaching practice.
Meenalochani KumarCulture and Career enthusiast i Learning and Leadership architect I Impact driven Coach
Sadhan Bhattacharya CPTD, ACC, GTMLEnabling organisations and academic institutions drive right capabilities & culture that payback 10X of the investment…
Shipra MadaanExecutive Resume Writer | Helping Senior Professionals Optimize Their Job Search & Personal Brand | Leadership Hiring