How do you calculate the F1 score in machine learning evaluation metrics?
Machine learning models are often evaluated based on how well they can predict the correct labels or outcomes for new data. However, there are different ways to measure the accuracy and performance of a model, depending on the problem and the data. One common metric that is used in classification tasks, where the model has to assign a discrete category to each data point, is the F1 score. In this article, you will learn what the F1 score is, how it is calculated, and why it is useful for machine learning evaluation.
Calculating the F1 score:To find the F1 score, use the formula 2*(precision*recall)/(precision+recall), where precision is the true positives divided by all predicted positives, and recall is true positives over actual positives.
Understanding harmonic mean:The harmonic mean used in calculating the F1 score is sensitive to low values of precision or recall, ensuring both need to be high for a good F1 score, reflecting balanced model performance.