Depending on the type and nature of your data and problem, there are various techniques for automating feature engineering. Feature extraction is a method that transforms high-dimensional or unstructured data into lower-dimensional or structured features. For instance, NLP can be used to extract keywords, sentiments, or topics from text data, while computer vision can be used to extract shapes, colors, or faces from image data. Feature generation involves creating new features from existing ones using mathematical, logical, or statistical operations. For example, you can create a new feature that represents the average purchase amount per customer from the existing features of purchase date, amount, and customer ID. Lastly, feature selection involves selecting the most relevant and informative features for your predictive model by using criteria such as correlation, importance, or redundancy. Filter methods such as variance threshold or chi-square test can be used to remove features with low variability or association with the target variable. Wrapper methods like recursive feature elimination or forward selection can also be used to find the optimal subset of features that maximize the model accuracy.