How do BI professionals approach problem solving differently than other data professionals?
Business intelligence (BI) is a skill that involves using data to generate insights, support decisions, and drive actions that benefit an organization. BI professionals often work with other data professionals, such as data analysts, data engineers, and data scientists, to leverage various tools and techniques to solve business problems. However, BI professionals also have some distinctive approaches to problem solving that set them apart from other data roles. In this article, we will explore some of the key differences and how they affect the BI process.
Pedro Henrique Corrêa MarianoGerente | Consultor | Controladoria | Finan?as | Or?amento | Processos
Alex SouzaGenerative AI | Analista de Dados | Ciência de Dados | Mentor em Dados | Professor | MTAC
Alfredo Diego Amez MendesData Tech Influencer |+24k en Tiktok | Business Intelligence | Growth | CRM | Customer Intelligence | Marketing…