After you have measured the risks, it's essential to monitor their evolution and performance over time and compare them to your objectives and benchmarks. SQL can be a valuable tool for tracking and visualizing data, as it can identify trends, patterns, anomalies, or deviations that may indicate changes in the risk profile or the need for action. Through date and time functions, window functions, pivot and unpivot functions, and analytical or reporting tools, you can manipulate and format your data to create cross-tabular or matrix-like reports, generate charts, graphs, dashboards, or alerts based on SQL queries. For example, you can calculate the monthly sales growth rate for each product using a LAG function, then use a pivot function to show the growth rate in a tabular format. Finally, you can use a reporting tool to create a line chart that shows the growth rate for each product over time with colors or markers to distinguish them. You can also add a horizontal line or shaded area to indicate the target or acceptable range of growth rates.