How can you use active shape models for image segmentation?
Image segmentation is a process of dividing an image into meaningful regions or objects based on some criteria. It is a crucial step for many applications in electrical engineering, such as object detection, recognition, tracking, and analysis. However, image segmentation can be challenging due to variations in shape, size, orientation, texture, and illumination of the objects of interest. One way to overcome these difficulties is to use active shape models (ASMs), which are statistical models that capture the shape variability of a set of training images. In this article, you will learn how to use ASMs for image segmentation and what are the advantages and limitations of this method.
Marcos RezendeAssistente de Diretoria na Copel Gera??o e Transmiss?o S.A.
Dr. Muhammad Salman, PhDDeputy Controller of Examinations / Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering & Control Systems
ígor BotelhoPerícias e Avalia??es | Engenheiro Eletricista, Civil e de Seguran?a do Trabalho | Seguran?a Eletr?nica | SDAI |…