If mediation or arbitration are not available or successful, or if the parties want to pursue their legal rights and remedies, they can file a lawsuit or an administrative complaint. A lawsuit is a formal legal action where a party, called a plaintiff, sues another party, called a defendant, in a court of law. A lawsuit can result in a judgment, which is a court order that determines the rights and obligations of the parties, or a settlement, which is a voluntary agreement that ends the dispute. An administrative complaint is a formal legal action where a party files a complaint with a government agency, such as the Department of Housing and Urban Development or the Fair Housing Council, that enforces laws and regulations related to housing and discrimination. An administrative complaint can result in an investigation, a hearing, or a conciliation, which is a voluntary agreement that ends the dispute. Both a lawsuit and an administrative complaint can be costly, time-consuming, and risky, and may require the assistance of a lawyer.