A third way to prevent integer overflow and underflow is to write your own custom checks for arithmetic operations. This may be useful if you want to have more control over the logic and behavior of your smart contract, or if you want to handle overflows and underflows differently than reverting the transaction. For example, you may want to cap the maximum or minimum value of a variable, or return a default value, or emit an event. To write your own custom checks, you need to use conditional statements, such as if, require, or assert, to compare the inputs and outputs of the operation and execute the appropriate action. For example:
// This is a simplified example of a token contract with custom checks
contract Token {
uint public totalSupply;
uint public constant MAX_SUPPLY = 1000000;
function mint(uint amount) public {
// This will cap the totalSupply at MAX_SUPPLY if totalSupply + amount exceeds it
if (totalSupply + amount > MAX_SUPPLY) {
totalSupply = MAX_SUPPLY;
} else {
totalSupply += amount;
function burn(uint amount) public {
// This will set the totalSupply to zero if totalSupply - amount is negative
if (totalSupply < amount) {
totalSupply = 0;
} else {
totalSupply -= amount;
As you can see, there are different ways to prevent integer overflow and underflow in smart contracts, depending on your preferences and needs. By using these techniques, you can avoid potential bugs and security issues that may compromise your smart contract functionality and integrity.