To leverage cloud computing for IT outsourcing, you need to assess your needs and goals, choose your cloud model, select your cloud provider, and implement and manage your cloud solutions. You should identify what you want to achieve with cloud computing, evaluate your current IT capabilities and resources, define your budget and timeline, and set your success criteria and metrics. Additionally, you should choose the cloud model that suits your needs and goals, as well as the service model that best matches the type of IT resources and services you need. Moreover, you should select a reliable cloud provider that can offer the solutions you need, compare their features and costs, check their credentials, sign a clear SLA, migrate data and applications to the cloud, integrate them with existing IT systems and processes, optimize performance and usage of resources and services, troubleshoot any issues or errors, communicate with clients and providers, and provide feedback and support. Leveraging cloud computing can help you offer more scalable solutions to clients by accessing data over the internet. However, be aware of the challenges and risks that come with it. By following these steps you can deliver better value to clients and grow your IT outsourcing business.