Another challenge of managing dependencies is that you may have different environments for your project, such as development, testing, and production. You may want to use different packages or versions of the packages for each environment. For example, you may want to use a package that mocks your database for testing, or a package that minifies your code for production. To handle this, you can use the devDependencies and optionalDependencies fields in your package.json file. The devDependencies field lists the packages that are only needed for development and testing, such as testing frameworks, code linters, or documentation generators. The optionalDependencies field lists the packages that are not essential for your project, but may provide some additional functionality or performance, such as compression libraries, caching modules, or analytics tools. When you run the npm install command, NPM will install both the dependencies and the devDependencies by default. However, if you run the npm install --production command, NPM will only install the dependencies and skip the devDependencies. The optionalDependencies will always be installed, unless they fail to install or are incompatible with your system.