How can you maintain your team's business acumen on strategy-driven projects?
Business acumen is the ability to understand and apply relevant business knowledge and skills to achieve strategic goals. It is essential for any team working on strategy-driven projects, especially in remote and hybrid settings where communication and collaboration can be challenging. How can you maintain your team's business acumen on strategy-driven projects? Here are some tips to help you facilitate learning and performance in your team.
Israel Batista GabrielDesenvolvimento Social | Sustentabilidade | Gestor de Programas e Projetos Socioambientais | ESG | Comunidades
Maria de Fátima de OliveiraDiretora Técnica | Instituto Suin? Bióloga | MSC em Ciências Florestais | Especialista em conserva??o e manejo de…
Tatiane Rodrigues PalazzioCoordenadora de Rela??es Institucionais e Responsabilidade Social na Arauco