Database deadlocks can be detected by using various methods, such as monitoring, logging, tracing, or profiling. Monitoring refers to observing the performance and health of the database system using tools such as dashboards, alerts, or reports. Monitoring can help you identify potential or existing deadlocks by looking at metrics such as lock waits, lock timeouts, lock escalations, or deadlock victims. Logging refers to recording the events and errors that occur on the database system using tools such as error logs, event logs, or audit logs. Logging can help you capture the details and context of each deadlock occurrence, such as the time, duration, session, query, error code, or message. Tracing refers to capturing the execution path and behavior of each transaction using tools such as trace flags, extended events, or performance schema. Tracing can help you analyze the root cause and sequence of each deadlock scenario, such as the resources, locks, owners, waiters, or cycles involved. Profiling refers to measuring the performance and resource consumption of each transaction using tools such as query plans, execution statistics, or performance monitors. Profiling can help you optimize and tune each transaction to reduce the likelihood and impact of deadlocks.