The last tip is to follow up consistently and persistently until you get a response or a decision. Don't assume that the prospect will get back to you on their own, or that they are not interested if they don't reply right away. Sometimes, they might be busy, distracted, or unsure. You need to stay on top of their mind and remind them of the value you can offer. However, you also need to be respectful and courteous, and not annoy them with too many or too frequent messages. A good rule of thumb is to follow up every 3-5 days, and vary the medium and the message. You can use email, phone, text, or social media, and you can ask for feedback, offer help, share insights, or create urgency.
By following these tips, you can increase your chances of closing the deal and winning the client. Remember, follow up is not just about selling, but about building a relationship and delivering value.