Architectural patterns and styles are proven solutions to common problems or challenges in software design, providing a high-level structure and organization for your system, as well as defining the communication and collaboration between its components. Enhancing scalability is possible through several architectural patterns and styles, such as microservices, serverless, event-driven, CQRS, and saga. Microservices decompose your system into small, autonomous, and loosely coupled services that communicate through lightweight protocols, enabling horizontal scaling, fault tolerance, and continuous delivery. Serverless leverages cloud-based platforms or functions that provide on-demand computing resources and services; it eliminates the need to manage servers or scaling, allowing you to pay only for what you use. Event-driven relies on events, messages, or streams to trigger the execution of your system's components; it enables asynchronous, parallel, and distributed processing as well as real-time responsiveness. CQRS separates the read and write operations of your system into different models or services; it optimizes each operation for its specific needs and constraints. Finally, saga orchestrates a long-running and complex business transaction across multiple services or components by using compensating actions or events to handle failures or rollbacks.