The content of your chatbot is the verbal and non-verbal information that users receive and provide, so it's important to consider aspects such as language and tone, feedback and guidance, and media and alternatives. When it comes to language and tone, you should use a language that is simple, concise, and appropriate for your target audience, with a tone that is friendly, polite, and consistent. Avoid jargon, slang, abbreviations, or acronyms without explanation as they can confuse or alienate users. For feedback and guidance, make sure it's timely, relevant, helpful for users, such as confirming their input or offering suggestions. Handle errors and exceptions gracefully too. As for media and alternatives, use media like images or audio that are relevant, meaningful, and accessible for your chatbot purpose. For any media conveying important info or functionality provide captions or alt text so users who cannot see or hear them can still access them.