How can you create a positive work environment for administrative staff?
As a supervisor, you want to create a positive work environment for your administrative staff. Administrative staff are often the backbone of any organization, providing essential support and coordination for various functions and projects. However, they may also face challenges such as high workload, low recognition, or limited career opportunities. How can you motivate, empower, and appreciate your administrative staff and foster a culture of collaboration and excellence? Here are some tips to help you.
Magali AmorimSecretária Executiva | Docente | Mentora de Negócios | Estrategista Digital | Autora BestSeller1 个答复
Chitambo ChibwanaBHRM | AFZIHRM | Master of Science in Risk Management Candidate
Sanutu DanielVirtual Assistant for busy business owners | Taking away the need for task switching, so you focus only on what matters.