The Windows Update service is the default option for managing updates on Windows Server 2019. Accessible from the Settings app, under Update & Security, it allows you to check for updates, view the update history, and configure how updates are installed and delivered. To configure Windows Server 2019 to automatically apply updates, you can select Automatic (recommended) to install all updates or Automatic (user initiated) to install only critical updates automatically and defer other updates. You can also choose a specific day and time for the update installation or let Windows choose a suitable time based on your usage patterns. Additionally, you can enable or disable the delivery optimization feature which allows your server to download updates from other devices and share them with them, reducing bandwidth consumption and speeding up the update process. However, it has some limitations such as not being able to control which updates are installed or declined without using the Group Policy Editor or Registry Editor, not being able to monitor or report the update status of your server or other servers in your network, and not being able to deploy updates to other servers or devices in your network unless you use the Windows Update for Business feature.