RISC and CISC processors have different applications and markets, depending on their strengths and weaknesses. RISC processors are commonly used in embedded systems, such as mobile devices, smart appliances, and IoT devices, due to their low power consumption, high instruction throughput, and simple design. They are also suitable for scientific computing tasks like supercomputers, parallel processors, and GPUs, since they require high scalability, performance, and parallelism. Additionally, RISC processors are ideal for artificial intelligence applications like machine learning, deep learning, and neural networks because of their high computational efficiency, data throughput, and flexibility. On the other hand, CISC processors are usually used in desktop computers like personal computers, laptops, and workstations as they require high code density, compatibility, and functionality. They are often employed in server systems such as web servers, database servers, and cloud servers because of their high reliability, security, and error handling capability. Finally, CISC processors are ideal for legacy systems like mainframes, minicomputers, and microcontrollers due to their high backward compatibility, stability, and standardization.