Transfer pricing is important for several reasons. First, it helps you comply with the tax laws and regulations of each country where you do business. Different countries have different rules and methods for determining the arm's length price, which is the price that independent parties would agree on for a similar transaction. If you do not follow these rules, you may face penalties, audits, or adjustments from the tax authorities. Second, it helps you allocate your resources and costs efficiently within your group. By using transfer pricing, you can align your intercompany transactions with your business goals, such as maximizing profits, reducing taxes, or supporting growth. Third, it helps you avoid double taxation or double non-taxation. Double taxation occurs when the same income is taxed twice by different countries. Double non-taxation occurs when the same income is not taxed by any country. By using transfer pricing, you can avoid these situations and ensure that your group pays a fair amount of tax in each jurisdiction.