Integrating plant safety into management systems requires a systematic and proactive approach. This should include establishing a safety policy and vision that aligns with the organization's mission, values, and goals, as well as developing and implementing a safety management system (SMS). Regular and comprehensive plant safety and risk assessments should be conducted to identify and evaluate hazards, risks, and opportunities for improvement. Appropriate safety measures and controls must also be implemented and enforced, such as engineering design, operational procedures, maintenance programs, emergency plans, and personal protective equipment. Additionally, staff and stakeholders must be provided with adequate training, education, and communication on the plant safety requirements, expectations, and best practices. Monitoring and measuring the plant safety performance is also essential using relevant indicators, metrics, and feedback mechanisms. Finally, reviewing and auditing the plant safety processes is necessary to verify their effectiveness, compliance, and alignment with the policy and vision. This should be done continually to improve the plant safety culture and performance by learning from the experience, feedback, and data.