Adopting functional programming in your code can be achieved through various language and framework options and tools. However, some general principles and techniques to apply are using pure functions, immutable data structures, higher-order functions, and lambda expressions. Additionally, functional patterns and abstractions such as currying, partial application, or monads can be employed to create more expressive and powerful functions. For example, you can use the @pure decorator in Python or the pure modifier in Kotlin to mark pure functions. You can also use the const keyword in JavaScript or the val keyword in Scala to declare immutable variables. Moreover, you can use the map , filter , or reduce methods in JavaScript or the .map , .filter , or .fold methods in Kotlin to apply functions to collections. Furthermore, you can use the curry function in Lodash or the .curried method in Scala to transform a function that takes multiple arguments into a function that takes one argument and returns another function; as well as monads such as Option or Either , to handle errors or null values in a functional way.