Here's how you can regain your composure after a public speaking mishap.
Public speaking can be a daunting task, and even the most seasoned speakers can face mishaps. Whether it's a slip of the tongue, a technical glitch, or an unexpected question that throws you off, the key is to regain your composure swiftly. The ability to recover from a public speaking error not only demonstrates professionalism but also resilience. By understanding and applying some practical steps, you can quickly bounce back and maintain your audience's confidence in your abilities.
Pete MachalekCo-Founding Owner/Partner at SagePresence1 个答复
Ambrose Ting 陈志强Legacy Planning, Wealth Preservation & Transfer Specialist | DTM Public Speaking Coach | Financial Services Veteran
Karine Zbinden, Ph.D.Executive Speaking Coach Helping Ambitious Female Leaders Go from Too Nervous to Speak to Confident Speakers with…