Here's how you can calculate your hourly rate as a self-employed Web Developer.
As a self-employed web developer, setting an appropriate hourly rate is crucial for your business's success. You need to consider not just the time spent coding but also the value you provide, your experience, and the costs of running your business. This rate will serve as the foundation for your income and must cover your expenses while ensuring you're competitively priced. The process of calculating this rate can seem daunting, but with a strategic approach, you can determine a fair and profitable rate for your services.
Shivam MishraMERN developer | ??Attended @AIT Bangkok | Web development trainer | ??2x Code-Hunt Winner Java | Javascript | React |…
Muhammad Farooq?? Pursuing Information Technology at IIUI @26 | ??? Front-end Developer | ?? ReactJS & JavaScript | ?? Fiverr…
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