Dealing with a tenant seeking frequent lease extensions. Are you prepared to set boundaries effectively?
Are you navigating the tricky waters of lease renewals? Share your strategies for setting clear tenant boundaries.
Dealing with a tenant seeking frequent lease extensions. Are you prepared to set boundaries effectively?
Are you navigating the tricky waters of lease renewals? Share your strategies for setting clear tenant boundaries.
This can be a very tricky situation, depending upon the root cause of the problem. A good tenant that has lost their job or has a reduction in working hours, but otherwise a good model tenant deserves some assistance if that assistance does not compromise the investment strategy. If they are a- tenant paying on time and looking for term extensions. I am all for renewing. If they have had some difficulty, I believe it is responsible to re-certify the application process and look at current financials. Base your decision on good economic sense and economic character. Meaning is the crisis short term or is it lasting? You do not want to find yourself in a legal battle that can cut into profits. Each case will be different.
In my experience. There are three scenarios where tenants look for frequent extension - 1. Delay in relocation site 2. Gap in strategy on next steps 3. Unforeseen growth / contraction requirement If we can get a clarity on what’s causing the request solutions can be devised. Major problem comes in if there is a gap in strategy - as a partner to our clients - I try to engage and support in decision making with RE and Business teams both . It’s possible there is no clarity on growth or stay back - but if we have stay back deadlines and growth deadlines - this can be communicated to the landlord and proactive communication always helps. Landlords cannot hold/extend premises indefinitely.its joint work tenants need to share end goal.
Dealing with a tenant seeking frequent lease extensions requires clear boundaries. Start by communicating your expectations and policies on extensions at the lease’s outset. Set limits on the number of extensions allowed and specify the notice period required for requests. When a request is made, evaluate it against your policy, and if you cannot accommodate it, explain your reasoning clearly and respectfully. Maintain thorough documentation of all communications regarding lease extensions to avoid misunderstandings. If the tenant is otherwise a good fit, consider offering a longer lease term upfront or month-to-month options after an initial period. Always maintain professionalism, ensuring a positive landlord-tenant relationship.
Cada caso debe analizarse independientemente. Sí el inquilino tiene buen hábito de pago y tiene una dificultad temporal, es prudente ayudarlo y darle un alivio que perderlo definitivamente y tener una vacancia costosa. Sí el inquilino se acostumbra a pedir alivios todo el tiempo, es un mal inquilino y se debe reeemplazar. Pero todo debe tener límites como regla de Oro. Nada en los extremos es sano.
Ser claro y conciso siempre es crucial a la hora de comunicarse con un cliente, tanto propietario como inquilino, en este caso, al inquilino se le hace saber, siempre con la aprobación del propietario, que se le hará una extensión por el plazo acordado con la parte locadora, una sola vez, sin posibilidad de volver a extenderse. En el caso de que el inquilino quiera continuar alquilando el inmueble se tendrá que realizar un nuevo contrato de locación, desde cero, con el valor que disponga el propietario en el momento, acorde a los valores de mercado.
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