Balancing multiple BPO projects with tight deadlines: Can you juggle them all successfully?
In the fast-paced world of Business Process Outsourcing (BPO), you're often faced with the daunting task of managing multiple projects, each with its own set of tight deadlines. The ability to juggle these effectively is not just desirable but necessary for success. BPO involves contracting of specific business tasks, typically back-office functions like human resources or finance and accounting, to a third-party service provider. This can help businesses save costs and focus on their core activities, but it also means handling various projects efficiently to maintain service quality.
Shawn OllisVice President of Global Operations | Strategic Leadership, Driving Client Satisfaction, Improving Business Growth
Ravindra Singh SaigalWharton MDP alumni I BFSI Sales, Fincrime expert, GTM strategy & execution for digital banking & nextgen BFSI. Work…
Valeria Dotta?? Sales | Operations | Customer Journey | CX | CS | NPS | CSAT | Mentor | Improving Workflows & Communication | ??…1 个答复