You're stepping into a new leadership role. How can you effectively harness feedback from your team?
How do you harness team feedback for leadership growth? Share your strategies and insights.
You're stepping into a new leadership role. How can you effectively harness feedback from your team?
How do you harness team feedback for leadership growth? Share your strategies and insights.
As you step into the new role, your team may or may not know who you are and what you're about. Regardless, a new position is a time to set expectations. If you want feedback, make it 100% clear that you value honest dialogue. Demonstrate that people have a safe space to voice constructive opinions. Set aside time for feedback sessions and give the option to submit thoughts in person or by writing. Above all else, make sure teams know that feedback is valued and appreciated.
A lot of leaders miss an essential first step - prepare for the feedback. A leader with a strong growth mindset understands that the purpose in asking for feedback means there is a desire for transformation - from you, from your team, from the business, or a combination of interests. Before actively listening to what they have to say, demonstrating empathy and communicating the changes you make on the way to evolving, think about what you're prepared to do differently if asked, where your boundaries can/should be, and what, if any, trust you can build leading up to the conversation. Seeing your forethought helps build trust in what comes next.
I LOVE this framework in 1:1 conversations: START - STOP - CONTINUE What would you like me to start doing? Stop doing? Continue doing? (Similarly, you could do "more of" / "less of") I've found that it leads to richer and more balanced feedback than other methods I've tried.
Um feedback é sempre um presente! Penso que ao assumir um novo papel como líder, o primeiro passo é aprender a receber um feedback, lidando com os gatilhos que um feedback pode disparar. Se ao receber um feedback, eu logo pensar: Eu n?o sou assim! e reagir a este tipo de pensamento, perderei a oportunidade de compreender a perspectiva do outro sobre mim. Ent?o quando pensar: Eu n?o sou assim! Transforme este pensamento em uma pergunta, por exemplo: Você poderia me dar um exemplo de quando me comportei desta maneira?
Bridging this question with my books of The Pineapple Theory along with my guinea pig experience, no limited to, I suggest the following top 3: Establish Trust: Companies often ask for new hires to hit the ground running, and I suggest to first, start walking with their Culture. Engage with people, get to know them, and their story. Be you: If you play politic, it will fire back at you. Just be yourself, people always follow someone leading from the heart. Be the guinea pig: What I suggest is, emerge yourself into their reality, then assist with their challenge. This often establishes credibility and people feels understood. Connect directly with me to discuss more perspectives. #thepineappletheory
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