You’re starting a new job in a new company. How can you make sure you fit in with the company culture?
Starting a new job in a new company can be both exciting and nerve-wracking. You want to make a good impression, learn the ropes, and contribute to the team. But you also want to fit in with the company culture, which is the set of values, norms, and expectations that shape how people work and interact. How can you make sure you adapt to the culture without losing your authenticity and individuality? Here are some tips to help you use your emotional intelligence skills to fit in with the company culture.
Steve HearsumAuthor of 'No Silver Bullet: bursting the bubble of the organisational quick fix' | The 'right kind of fly in the…
Jorge Reina LópezTalent Management // People Analytics // Senior Lecturer in Psychology and Human Resources
Mary ChacinEmpresaria | Desarrollo de negocios | Crecimiento Profesional | Mentoría Empresarial | Resultados | Rentabilidad |…