You're part of a collaborative design team. How can you ensure constructive feedback flows smoothly?
In collaborative design, a smooth flow of constructive feedback is crucial for refining architectural concepts and ensuring the project's success. Your role within a team is not just to contribute ideas but to foster an environment where feedback is welcomed and valued. To achieve this, it's essential to understand the mechanisms and etiquette of providing and receiving feedback, which can be particularly nuanced in the field of architecture, where subjective judgment often plays a significant role.
Nidhi S.Top Interior Design Voice in the World | Head of Interior Design @ Nidhi's Official | 21 Years Experience
DAK KOPECProfessor at University of Nevada-Las Vegas
Keshava NarayanFacades and Innovative Structural Consultant @ Spacio TechTonics | We realise innovative structures across the world