You’re a manufacturer looking to optimize your process. How can creativity help you achieve your goals?
As a manufacturer, you want to improve your efficiency, quality, and profitability. But how do you achieve these goals in a competitive and dynamic market? One of the key factors is creativity. Creativity is not just about coming up with new ideas, but also about finding better ways to solve problems, adapt to changes, and implement solutions. In this article, you will learn how creativity can help you optimize your process using the principles of lean manufacturing.
Alberto Oshiro NakayoshiExperto en operaciones y reciclaje de plásticos | Inspirado por la sostenibilidad y economía circular | Gerente de…
Enrique Moreno del RíoSenior Director Quality en Fujikura Automotive Europe
Thiago LorettiGerente de Qualidade, Sustentabilidade e Processos | Professor Lato Sensu na Funda??o Assis Gurgacz | Pesquisador de…