In the market, there are many UX research platforms with their own strengths and weaknesses. UserZoom is a comprehensive and scalable platform that supports a wide range of UX research methods, such as surveys, interviews, usability tests, card sorting, tree testing, and more. It also offers advanced analytics, reporting, and collaboration tools. Dovetail is a user-friendly and collaborative platform that focuses on qualitative data analysis and synthesis. Optimal Workshop is a specialized platform that helps you test and improve the information architecture and navigation of your website or app. Lookback is a simple and intuitive platform that helps you conduct live and self-guided interviews and usability tests with real users. Prices for these platforms range from $35,000 per year for teams for UserZoom to $99 per month for teams for Lookback. All four platforms provide features such as importing data from various sources, coding, tagging, clustering data to find patterns and insights, data visualization and reporting features, recording sessions, streaming sessions, annotating sessions, chatting with team members and stakeholders, and integrating with other tools.