The sixth tool you need is a backup plan that can help you cope with unexpected issues or emergencies that may occur during your webinar. It is essential to anticipate and prepare for potential risks or problems that may affect your webinar and have alternative solutions or options ready. You should also communicate and collaborate with your participants and co-facilitators to handle any issues or emergencies calmly and effectively. Technical glitches such as poor internet connection, audio or video issues, platform crashes, or power outages may disrupt your webinar, so you should have a backup device, internet source, platform, or power supply ready. Additionally, low attendance, late arrivals, early departures, distractions, or disruptions may be participant issues that you need to address with a clear attendance policy, a reminder system, a time buffer, a participation agreement, and a moderation strategy. Lastly, inaccurate information, outdated data, irrelevant topics, or unclear objectives may be content issues that you can correct with a quality assurance process, a content update system, a feedback mechanism, and a revision plan.