You’re leading a change initiative. How can you build a cross-functional team that drives results?
Change is inevitable, but not always easy. As a leader, you have the responsibility and the opportunity to guide your organization through a change initiative that can improve performance, efficiency, or innovation. But you can't do it alone. You need a cross-functional team that can support your vision, collaborate across boundaries, and deliver results. How can you build such a team? Here are some tips to help you along the way.
Siobhán (shiv-awn) McHaleI help people lead change??My WHY: Better workplaces??Author: “The Hive Mind at Work” and “The Insider’s Guide to…
Steve HearsumAuthor of 'No Silver Bullet: bursting the bubble of the organisational quick fix' | The 'right kind of fly in the…
Neil BloomProject & Programme Manager | Helping you successfully deliver complex business change and organisational…