Facing resistance from stakeholders can be daunting. To turn the tides, consider these approaches:
- Engage in active listening to understand their concerns and show that their input is valued.
- Demonstrate how the new strategies align with the overall goals and interests of the stakeholders.
- Provide evidence-based projections to reassure them of potential successes.
What strategies have worked for you in gaining stakeholder buy-in?
When facing resistance from stakeholders, I always start by actively listening to understand their concerns and show that their input truly matters. Then, I focus on explaining how the new strategies align with their goals and interests, bridging the gap between their concerns and the bigger picture. Providing data-driven projections helps back up my points and reassures them of the potential success. It’s all about empathy, clear communication, and solid evidence to gain their trust and buy-in.
Miguèl Fòntes
Coach | Mentor | Consultor | Treinador Comportamental | Coaching em Gest?o de Pessoas.
A resistência muitas vezes surge de medos ou falta de compreens?o. O primeiro passo é abrir espa?o para um diálogo sincero, ouvir as preocupa??es e considerar os pontos de vista das partes interessadas. Isso ajuda a entender suas motiva??es e permite ajustar a abordagem da nova estratégia, tornando-a mais alinhada às expectativas e necessidades das partes interessadas, o que facilita a acessibilidade e o engajamento no processo de negocia??o.
Para conquistar partes interessadas resistentes a novas estratégias de negócios, come?aria dizendo: "Entendo suas preocupa??es, vamos juntos transformar isso em uma oportunidade!" Organizaria uma reuni?o colaborativa onde todos pudessem expressar suas opini?es e ideias. Ao apresentar dados e exemplos de sucesso, mostro como a mudan?a pode beneficiar a todos. Envolvê-los no processo, pedindo feedback e sugest?es, transforma resistência em apoio. Juntos, podemos construir o futuro! ??? #Mudan?aPositiva #Colabora??o
When I face pushback from stakeholders on new business strategies, I start by listening carefully to their concerns. Understanding their perspective helps me tailor my approach and find common ground. I focus on presenting data and case studies that demonstrate the benefits of the strategy while addressing potential risks. By being transparent and collaborative, I invite them to contribute to refining the plan, ensuring they feel heard and involved. Ultimately, I aim to build trust through open dialogue, showing that their input is valued and aligned with our shared goals.
Do a questionaire from 5 best and well known clients integrating what the outcome of your strategic solution would be formulated in a way of increased sales commitment.