You're facing a client who isn't voicing their concerns. How can you read between the lines?
When a client isn't voicing their concerns, it's crucial to use emotional intelligence to read between the lines and address their needs effectively. Here are some strategies to help:
What techniques do you use to understand unspoken client concerns? Share your insights.
You're facing a client who isn't voicing their concerns. How can you read between the lines?
When a client isn't voicing their concerns, it's crucial to use emotional intelligence to read between the lines and address their needs effectively. Here are some strategies to help:
What techniques do you use to understand unspoken client concerns? Share your insights.
Quando um cliente n?o expressa as suas preocupa??es, o seu relacionamento comercial pode 1) Estar tudo bem ou 2) N?o estar tudo bem. Aqui, pois, v?o algumas dicas para descobrir se o cenário 2 n?o vigora: - Questione o cliente se o atendimento pré ou pós-venda está indo conforme expectativas (aqui n?o vale a máxima "quem cala consente"); - Pe?a a um terceiro fazer essa apura??o (às vezes o cliente, por ter um relacionamento mais antigo com você, se sente mais à vontade para "reclamar" com outra pessoa; - Fa?a enquetes de nível de servi?o, como bot?es de avalia??o pós-vendas, pesquisas por whatsapp, SMS, e-mails; - Crie um ambiente de abertura e dê feedbacks sobre os pontos reclamados (assim ele terá confian?a para continuar se abrindo).