You're a facilitator looking for a mentee. How do you know you've found the right one?
As a facilitator, you know how rewarding it is to help others learn, grow, and collaborate. You also know how challenging it can be to deal with complex situations, diverse perspectives, and conflicting expectations. That's why you might want to find a mentee who can benefit from your experience, insights, and feedback. But how do you know you've found the right one? Here are some tips to help you choose a mentee who matches your style, goals, and values.
Lucy Surhyel Newman, CPT., DBA., IDP-CA Modern Governance 100 and T.F. Gilbert Honouree that advises and guides implementation of policies and practices on…
Deborah Aholistic mentor for purpose-driven leaders: decolonizing #leadershipdevelopment + growing genuine #psychologicalsafety…
Faris Aranki - Strategy and Emotional IntelligenceSUCCESS = IQ x EQ x FQ I help organisations & individuals be more effective today than they were yesterday by providing…