You're faced with a disengaged customer during an interaction. How can you successfully reconnect with them?
When faced with an unresponsive customer, your goal is to recapture their attention and foster a positive connection. Here's how to reel them back in:
- Ask open-ended questions to encourage dialogue and show genuine interest in their needs.
- Personalize the conversation by referencing past interactions or preferences they’ve shared.
- Offer immediate value by suggesting solutions that resonate specifically with them or introducing new, relevant products/services.
Which strategies have you found effective in reconnecting with disengaged customers?
You're faced with a disengaged customer during an interaction. How can you successfully reconnect with them?
When faced with an unresponsive customer, your goal is to recapture their attention and foster a positive connection. Here's how to reel them back in:
- Ask open-ended questions to encourage dialogue and show genuine interest in their needs.
- Personalize the conversation by referencing past interactions or preferences they’ve shared.
- Offer immediate value by suggesting solutions that resonate specifically with them or introducing new, relevant products/services.
Which strategies have you found effective in reconnecting with disengaged customers?
I disagree with the premise of the AI answer “your goal is to recapture their attention.” Your goal is always to discover what your customers needs are and in what way, if any, you can bring value. A customers disengagement shouldn’t send a salesperson into panic-mode, it should be an invitation to find out where we don’t bring the value we think we do, or where we do not yet have their trust. Stop the pitch/presentation/talking point, pause and press into finding out why and where the disconnect happened. The goal is to connect with their situation and needs, not to hold their attention to our agenda.
Was mag die KI mit "erfolgreich" meinen ? Ist es die Wiederaufnahme der Kommunikation ? Okay. Ist es die Durchsetzung der von der Firma vorgegebenen Ziele ? Keinsfalls. Quantit?tsmessungen wie ... wie viele Gespr?che pro Stunde ... sind m.E. v?llig ungeeignet. Eine Kundenbefragung, in der nur Fragen per Zahlen beantwortet werden sollen, nehmen den Menschen nicht ernst, sondern erleuchtern nur die Auswertung ...
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