You're dealing with multiple delays in a day. How do you prioritize maintenance tasks efficiently?
Do delays derail your day? Share your strategies for prioritizing tasks when everything's urgent.
You're dealing with multiple delays in a day. How do you prioritize maintenance tasks efficiently?
Do delays derail your day? Share your strategies for prioritizing tasks when everything's urgent.
Comece identificando quais aeronaves ou sistemas s?o prioritários para manuten??o. Priorize reparos que podem impactar diretamente a seguran?a e a opera??o imediata das aeronaves. Verifique os recursos humanos, equipamentos e pe?as disponíveis para a manuten??o. Alocar recursos de maneira eficiente é fundamental para evitar que múltiplos trabalhos fiquem incompletos.
Focus on Quick Wins: Identify tasks that can be completed quickly and efficiently to reduce immediate backlog. Addressing smaller tasks can help free up resources for more complex issues while improving team morale.
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